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lay figuresの例文


  • This is not a lay figure, but a real man deep in a real book.
  • Objections came from some rabbis and Jewish lay figures, from Jewish Theological Seminary students and from groups like the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility.
  • Under our very noses are three lay figures dressed in Nicholas Roerich's original costumes for " The Rite of Spring ."
  • Less than seven weeks after the killing in Dumfries, along with a number of prominent lay figures they all witnessed the coronation of King Robert I on 25 March.
  • And as he struggled for self-expression he produced a series of paintings featuring puppets and lay figures, symbols of helplessness and inability in the face of evil powers.
  • Saturday night, after the Jewish Sabbath has passed, John Paul II will extend a hand to American Jewry once more by meeting with prominent religious and lay figures at the mid-Manhattan residence of Cardinal John O'Connor.
  • During the 1340-50's all legal settlements in Warwickshire were subject to the goodwill of Thomas, earl of Warwick, who has been called'the most powerful lay figure in the West Midlands', at the time.
  • Following the death of 苐fhere in 983, and the withdrawal of the queen-mother from court soon after the death of Bishop 苩helwald of Winchester in 984, 苩helwine became the leading lay figure at the court of the young King 苩helred.
  • Etty had intended to travel to England, but instead remained in Paris, to resume copying works in Paris galleries, collecting prints and buying a lay figure and around 200 paintbrushes, both of which the French made to a higher standard than English manufacturers.
  • Sometime before 15 July 1167, Ferdinand II appointed him majordomo ( " maiordomus " ), the highest office associated with the royal court and the pre-eminent position in the realm : he had reached " the zenith of his power in Le髇 " and was " one of the most powerful lay figures of the realm ".
  • For he both stooped when passing through lofty gates ( although he was very short ), and as if his neck were in a vice, he kept the gaze of his eyes straight ahead, and turned his face neither to right nor to left, but ( as if he were a lay figure ) neither did he nod when the wheel jolted nor was he ever seen to spit, or to wipe or rub his face or nose, or move his hands about.